cara mengganti tema line official

cara mengganti tema line official.

1. pilih dan download theme line dulu (link dibawah)
2. extract theme file pake androzip file, lalu rename file jd themefile.8 (wajib)
3. buka LINE, download theme cony yg warna pink, tapi hrs pake theme yg original dlu.
4. buka file manager atau root explorer
5. masuk ke folder line (sd.card/android/data/
6. pilih theme, masuk ke folder list theme
7. pilih a07683... (theme cony)
8. rename file jadi themefile.8.bak trs copy file theme yg td di download
9. matikan koneksi data
10. masuk LINE lalu apply theme cony

Sumber : Grup line galaxy grand i9082


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